Happy Birthday Ashley

October 14, 2010 § 14 Comments

I will always believe in fairy tales
Never leave home without earrings and
Forever watch rerun after rerun of Grey’s Anatomy

I will always
Love first
Feel second
and Think last

I will pile my shoe collection higher and higher
Until my closet and bed can no longer
Hide my habit

I like Summer Dresses
Matching underwear sets and
My best friend is my eye lash curler

When things are bad
I won’t shave my legs
When things get worse
I’ll let my underarm hair grow
And when the tides finally turn
I will spend over an hour in the shower
Reversing my damage

I will always rate my looks at a 6
But believe I am a 20
Be comfortable with my bra size
And embrace my prechild bearing body

I will pick Red first, Purple second
And continue to fill my closet
With whites, grey’s and blacks

I won’t quiet my laugh in public
Always judge a man by his fingernails
And forever love dark skinned men

No matter what I compromise in a relationship
I will NEVER AGAIN compromise
My Morals, Values, or Self Respect

I promise this to myself. To the woman I am at 25, Who I hope will still be on the inside of my 50 year old self. That I may let life and heartbreak change my views, Shape my thoughts, but never alter my being.

Happy Birthday 25th Ashley!!

I ❤ you

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