Parked Car…

July 20, 2010 § 6 Comments

Let me not waste one day
Not one Minute
With impossibilities and short comings
Not with you
Not while you sit here
With me
Breathing the same air as you
In this tightly enclosed car
Let me not waste one thought
On anything that would hinder this moment
The power of two Moon crossed lovers
Let me not waste even one more moment
Let the feelings of infatuation,
A revisiting Teenage Love,
My most powerful loves of all loves
Because you were my first love
Fill my fingers so that when I touch you
You feel what is within every pore of my body
That this feeling stronger than any existing love
This celestial gift
Pours out of me and into you
Let me fill you with it
And this Moment
Be kept in my heart
For all the occasions when you cease to be by my side
When I no longer have your eyes to remind me
Of how it is you feel about me
Let this moment carry into eternity
Written somewhere in the universe
To be kept sacred
Long after our discontinuance
So that the energy of us now
Never goes to the unforgotten

Where Am I?

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